Health Test Today a leading blood test center and pathology lab in Navi Mumbai

Osmolality Urine
₹ 700
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Overnight high dose Dexamethasone suppression test, Serum
₹ 1300
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Oxcarbazepine (TDM)
₹ 1500
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Para Thyroid Hormone Intact level
₹ 950
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Paraneoplastic Panel (6 Ag)
₹ 5000
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Paraneoplatic Panel-Extended (12 Ag)
₹ 10000
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Parvo Virus B19 IgG
₹ 2800
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Parvo Virus B19 IgM
₹ 2600
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Parvo Virus B19 IgM & IgG
₹ 3500
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Phenobarbitone (TDM)
₹ 950
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Phosphorus Inorganic
₹ 150
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Phosphorus, urine
₹ 150
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Porphobilinogen, 24 hrs Urine (PBG) Quantitative
₹ 3500
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Porphobilinogen, Random Urine (PBG) Quantitative
₹ 3500
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Porphyria Work up, 24 hrs Urine
₹ 6000
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Porphyria Work up, Random Urine
₹ 6000
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Porphyrins, 24 hrs urine
₹ 4000
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Porphyrins, Random urine
₹ 4000
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Posaconazole level (TDM)
₹ 5000
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Blood Potassium Level (K Blood Concentration)
₹ 220
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
₹ 160
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
PR3 antibody (C-ANCA)
₹ 1100
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Pregnancy Test - Urine
₹ 150
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
₹ 2000
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Progesterone level
₹ 500
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Prolactin, Serum (PRL)
₹ 500
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Prostate Specific Antigen level
₹ 750
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Protein CSF
₹ 250
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Protein Fluid
₹ 250
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Protein With A/G Ratio
₹ 180
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Quadruple Marker (AFP, hCG, uE3, and Inhibin-A Test)
₹ 2500
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Quadruple Marker - Delfia
₹ 3200
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Rapid Plasma Reagin (VDRL)
₹ 300
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Renal Function (RFT)
₹ 750
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Renin Activity
₹ 3400
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Renin Level
₹ 5200
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Rheumatoid Factor
₹ 500
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Rifampicin Level (TDM)
₹ 3500
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
ROMA Index
₹ 2500
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Rubella antibody IgG
₹ 600
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Rubella antibody IgM
₹ 600
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
S.Typhi antibody IgG
₹ 250
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
S.Typhi antibody IgG & IgM
₹ 500
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
S.Typhi antibody IgM
₹ 480
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Scl-70 antibody
₹ 1550
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Screening Test For Toxic Usage of Drug
₹ 1800
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Selenium level
₹ 2700
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Serum Albumin Ascitis Gradient
₹ 400
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin level
₹ 1300
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Liver Function - SGOT (AST - Aspartate Aminotransferase)
₹ 180
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
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Health Test Today COVID Super Plus

Test Parameters: Alanine Amino-transferase (ALT) SGPT