Health Test Today a leading blood test center and pathology lab in Navi Mumbai

Trisomy 21 By FISH
₹ 3500
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Trisomy 8 by FISH
₹ 3500
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Tropical Fever Panel Qualitative by Real-Time PCR
₹ 4500
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Urine Multiplex PCR for STDs
₹ 5899
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Vesicular Rash Panel Qualitative by Real-time PCR
₹ 4500
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Viral Encephalitis/Meningitis Panel Qualitative by Real-Time PCR
₹ 5000
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VZV (Varicella-Zoster Virus) Qualitative by Real-time PCR
₹ 4200
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Warfarin Genotyping
₹ 4000
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West Nile Virus Qualitative by Real-time PCR
₹ 2500
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X & Y Chromosome By FISH
₹ 3500
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Y-Chromosomal Microdeletion by PCR
₹ 4520
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ZIKA Qualitative by Real-time PCR
₹ 2500
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Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (Photooptical clot detection)
₹ 450
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Acute Leukaemia Panel (IPT) (Immunophenotyping)
₹ 10500
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Anti A Antibody Titre
₹ 2000
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Anti B Antibody Titre
₹ 2000
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Anti Thrombin III Antigen#
₹ 4800
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Bleeding Time ( Ivy's method )
₹ 100
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Blood Group & RH ( Forward and Reverse )
₹ 150
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Bone Marrow Aspiration and Reporting
₹ 5400
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Bone Marrow Reporting
₹ 3000
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CD16+56+ NK cells Estimation ( IPT )
₹ 2500
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  • Lab Visit
CD19 and CD19 Abs count(IPT)
₹ 2200
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CD-3 CD-4 CD-8 Lymphocyte Count ( IPT )
₹ 800
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CD34 ( Stem cell )
₹ 2300
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Chronic Leukaemia Panel (Lymphoproliferative Disorder) (IPT)
₹ 13000
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Clotting Time
₹ 200
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Coombs Test Direct (By Gel Technology)
₹ 500
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Coombs Test Indirect (By Gel Technology)
₹ 600
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CSF Electrophoresis-Oligoclonal band
₹ 4500
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  • Lab Visit
₹ 970
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  • Lab Visit
₹ 310
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  • Lab Visit
₹ 150
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Expert CBC by Haematopathologist
₹ 700
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Factor IX Assay (Photooptical Clot detection)
₹ 2200
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Factor IX Inhibitor Study
₹ 12000
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Factor V Leiden Activity Test
₹ 15000
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Factor VIII Assay Activity (Photooptical Clot detection)
₹ 2200
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  • Lab Visit
Factor VIII Inhibitor Study
₹ 12000
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Factor X Assay ( Electromagnetic clot detection )
₹ 4700
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Factor XI Assay ( Electromagnetic clot detection )
₹ 4000
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  • Lab Visit
Factor XII Assay ( Electromagnetic clot detection )
₹ 3200
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Fibrinogen Degradation Product ( Latex )
₹ 980
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Fibrinogen Level ( Clauss Method )
₹ 600
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Free Protein S Assay (Immuno assay)
₹ 3500
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  • Lab Visit
₹ 100
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CBC (Complete Blood Count)
₹ 250
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Haemogram and Malaria Parasite (CBC-MP)
₹ 400
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Haemogram with IPF (CBC-IPF)
₹ 400
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Heparin/PF4 Antibody Test
₹ 4500
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Health Test Today COVID Super Plus

Test Parameters: Alanine Amino-transferase (ALT) SGPT