Book Vitamin B12 Level Test

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Vitamin B12 is a vital water-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including the development of the central nervous system, red blood cell formation, and DNA synthesis. It is naturally present in animal-based foods like fish, meat, dairy products, and eggs, as it is synthesized by bacteria in the gastrointestinal tracts of animals. Plant-based foods generally have lower levels of vitamin B12, but certain fortified foods like breakfast cereals and plant-based milk alternatives may contain added vitamin B12.

It is essential to understand that vitamin B12 is necessary for our health, but excessive intake through supplements is generally considered safe. Excess amounts of vitamin B12 are typically excreted through urine.



General Physical Symptoms: 


Vomiting or Nausea

Reduced appetite

Weight loss

Pale skin.

Neurological Symptoms:

Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.

Vision problems


Psychological symptoms: 



Mood Swings.



In most cases, there is no need for any special preparations before the test. You can continue with your regular diet and fluid intake unless otherwise instructed by your healthcare provider.






Vitamin B 12



*Reference ranges are the same for all genders.

**Reference range may vary depending on equipment used by labs. Consult your referring doctor for proper interpretation of test results.



Seek guidance from a healthcare professional to address your vitamin-related concerns.

Adhere to the treatment plan prescribed by your healthcare provider for optimal results.

Regularly undergo blood tests to monitor your vitamin levels and ensure they stay within a healthy range.

Embrace a well-balanced diet, incorporating natural food sources rich in the required vitamins.

Be mindful of possible interactions between your vitamin supplements and other medications you are taking.

Inform your healthcare professional immediately if you experience any adverse effects from the supplements to receive appropriate support and adjustments.



Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common health issue, particularly among older individuals, and can manifest with various symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and nerve damage. The prevalence of this deficiency varies by age, with estimates suggesting around 3% of people aged 20 to 39, 4% of those aged 40 to 59, and at least 6% or more of individuals aged 60 or older may be affected. However, these figures are approximate and subject to variations based on the population studied and the diagnostic criteria used.

Several factors contribute to the development of vitamin B12 deficiency:

Advanced age is a significant factor, as absorption and utilization of vitamin B12 become less efficient over time, resulting in declining levels and potential deficiency.

Digestive system disorders like celiac disease, Crohn's disease, and others can hinder vitamin B12 absorption from food, leading to deficiency.

Strict vegan or vegetarian diets may lack sufficient vitamin B12 since it is primarily found in animal-based products unless fortified foods or supplements are consumed.

Certain medications, like metformin for diabetes or proton pump inhibitors for acid reflux, can interfere with vitamin B12 absorption.

Excessive alcohol consumption, particularly in chronic alcoholism, can damage the digestive system and impair vitamin B12 absorption, contributing to deficiency.


ALIASES (Other names that describe the test. Synonyms.) 

B12 Assay

B12 Vitamin

B12, Serum




Vit B12



Aids in the detection of vitamin B12 deficiency in individuals with macrocytic or unexplained anaemia or unexplained neurologic disease.



[QUESTION] What is considered a normal vitamin B12 level?

[ANSWER] A typical vitamin B12 level falls within the range of 200 to 900 picograms per millilitre (pg/mL) or 148 to 664 picomoles per Liter (pmol/L).


[QUESTION] What are the common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency?

[ANSWER] Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency may include fatigue, weakness, tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, difficulty walking, memory problems, and mood changes.


[QUESTION] Who is more prone to vitamin B12 deficiency?

[ANSWER] Individuals following strict vegan or vegetarian diets, older adults, those with gastrointestinal disorders, and individuals who have undergone weight loss surgery are at a higher risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.


[QUESTION]How is a vitamin B12 level test conducted?

[ANSWER] A vitamin B12 level test involves a simple blood draw, which measures the amount of B12 in your blood, enabling healthcare providers to assess whether there is a deficiency.


[QUESTION] How can I boost my vitamin B12 levels naturally?

[ANSWER] Increasing vitamin B12 levels can be achieved by consuming foods rich in B12, such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. If necessary, your healthcare provider may recommend B12 supplements.


[QUESTION] Are there any plant-based sources of vitamin B12 for vegans?

[ANSWER] Vegans can obtain vitamin B12 from fortified plant-based milk, nutritional yeast, and some breakfast cereals. However, regular monitoring of B12 levels and considering supplementation if necessary is important for vegans.


[QUESTION] Can low vitamin B12 levels affect energy levels?

[ANSWER] Yes, low vitamin B12 levels can contribute to feelings of fatigue and reduced energy. Vitamin B12 plays a critical role in the production of red blood cells, responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body.


[QUESTION] How often should I have my vitamin B12 levels checked?

[ANSWER] The frequency of checking vitamin B12 levels varies based on individual circumstances. If you have a known deficiency or are at risk, your healthcare provider may recommend periodic monitoring.






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Vitamin B12 Level


*Component test codes cannot be used to order tests. 


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