Book CBC (Complete Blood Count) Test

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Complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test that provides a comprehensive assessment of overall health and aids in the detection of various conditions such as anemia, infection, and leukemia.

During a complete blood count test, several key components are measured, including:

  1. Red blood cells (RBCs): These cells are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body.
  2. White blood cells (WBCs) play a crucial role in fighting infections and diseases.
  3. Haemoglobin: This is the protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen.
  4. Haematocrit: It indicates the proportion of red blood cells in relation to the total blood volume.
  5. Platelets: These blood components assist in clotting, preventing excessive bleeding.


  1. Fatigue and weakness
  2. Swollen lymph nodes.
  3. Bone pain or joint pain
  4. Abdominal pain or discomfort
  5. Excessive sweating
  6. Unexplained weight loss or gain
  7. Shortness of breath
  8. Frequent infections
  9. Pallor or pale skin
  10. Easy bruising or bleeding

Steps to follow while doing Complete Blood Test

  • When undergoing a complete blood count (CBC) test only, you can follow your regular eating and drinking habits before the test.
  • However, if your blood sample will be used for other tests in addition to CBC, fasting may be necessary.
  • The fasting requirement, if any, will depend on the specific additional tests being conducted.
  • It is important to consult your healthcare provider to determine if fasting is required for your specific blood test.
  • Your healthcare provider will provide clear instructions on the duration of fasting, if applicable, and any dietary restrictions to follow before the test.
  • Following the guidelines provided by your healthcare provider will ensure accurate and reliable test results.

What are the Normal Ranges for Complete Blood Count?

  1. Red Blood Cells (RBCs):
    • Male: 4.7 to 6.0 million cells per microliter (mcL)
    • Female: 4.2 to 5.4 million cells/mcL
  2. White Blood cells( WBCs):
    • 4,000 to 10,500 cells/mcL
  3. Haemoglobin(HB):
    • Male: 13.5 to 18.0 grams per decilitre (g/dL)
    • Female: 12.5 to 16.0 g/dL
  4. Haematocrit (Hct):
    • Male: 38.8% to 50.0%
    • Female: 34.9% to 44.5%
  5. Platelets:
    • 150,000 to 450,000 cells/mcL

Safety Advice

  1. Follow instructions from your healthcare provider or the laboratory.
  2. Inform your healthcare provider about your medications and supplements.
  3. Stay hydrated before the test.
  4. Communicate any fears or concerns to the healthcare professional.
  5. Practice relaxation techniques during the blood draw.
  6. Follow post-test instructions provided by your healthcare provider or laboratory.

More Information

  1. Red blood cells (RBCs): RBCs carry oxygen throughout the body, and their levels can indicate conditions like anemia or polycythemia.
  2. White blood cells (WBCs): WBCs are crucial for the immune response, and their count can indicate infections, inflammation, or certain blood disorders.
  3. Components measured: A CBC typically includes the measurement of various blood components, including red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), platelets, and sometimes additional parameters such as mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean platelet volume (MPV).
  4. Haemoglobin (Hb): Haemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen in RBCs. Hb levels can help diagnose anemia or monitor response to treatment.
  5. Haematocrit (Hct): Haematocrit measures the percentage of blood volume occupied by RBCs. It can assist in diagnosing anemia or polycythemia.
  6. Platelets: Platelets are essential for blood clotting. Abnormal platelet counts can be related to bleeding disorders or bone marrow conditions.
  7. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV): MCV measures the average size of RBCs, providing information about different types of anemia.
  8. Mean platelet volume (MPV): MPV reflects the average size of platelets, and changes can indicate platelet function disorders or other conditions.
  9. Diagnostic value: CBC results, along with other clinical information, help healthcare professionals assess overall health, detect and monitor various conditions, guide treatment decisions, and evaluate responses to therapies.
  10. Interpretation: CBC results are interpreted in the context of reference ranges specific to the laboratory and patient demographics. Deviations from the normal range may warrant further investigation or additional specialized tests.

How to do CBC Test Work

  • The Complete Blood Count (CBC) is a standard blood test that analyses various components of your blood.
  • A blood sample is collected from your arm and sent to a laboratory for analysis.
  • An automated analyzer processes the blood sample, measuring red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, haemoglobin, and hematocrit.
  • The CBC results provide valuable information about your overall health and help diagnose infections, anemia, immune system disorders, and blood-related diseases.
  • Healthcare professionals interpret the results based on reference ranges and other clinical factors.
  • The CBC is an essential tool for evaluating health, monitoring treatments, and detecting abnormalities in blood composition.
  • Consult with your healthcare provider to understand your CBC results and their implications for your well-being.


  1. What is a complete blood count (CBC) used for?
    A CBC is a common blood test that helps detect disorders, including infections, immune system disorders, anemia, and blood cancers. It is often part of routine checkups and can aid in diagnosing and monitoring medical conditions.
  1. Why might I need a complete blood count?
    Your healthcare provider may order a CBC as part of your checkup or to assess your overall health. It can also help diagnose blood diseases, infections, immune system disorders, and track changes in existing blood disorders.
  1. Do I need to prepare for the test?
    Typically, no special preparation is required for a CBC. However, if additional tests are ordered on your blood sample, fasting (not eating or drinking) for several hours may be necessary. Your healthcare provider will provide specific instructions if needed follow the
    instructions provided by your health care.
  1. Are there any risks associated with a complete blood count?
    There is very little risk involved in a blood test. Some individuals may experience slight pain or bruising at the needle insertion site or slight dizziness but these symptoms typically resolve quickly.
  1. What do the results of a complete blood count mean?
    A CBC measures various components of your blood. Abnormal levels of red blood cells, haemoglobin, hematocrit, or white blood cells may indicate conditions like anemia, heart disease, infections, or autoimmune disorders. Your healthcare provider will interpret theresults considering your medical history, symptoms, and other factors.
  1. Is a complete blood count the only diagnostic tool used?
    A CBC is one tool among many that healthcare providers use to assess your health. Your provider may consider other tests, medical history, and clinical symptoms to make a diagnosis. Additional tests may be needed for further evaluation.
  1. Can a CBC test diagnose specific diseases?
    While a CBC test provides valuable information about your blood components, it is not a diagnostic tool for specific diseases. It helps identify abnormalities that may require further investigation or additional tests to determine the underlying cause.
  1. How often should I have a CBC test?
    The frequency of CBC tests depends on your individual health needs and any ongoing medical conditions. Your healthcare provider will recommend the appropriate schedule for monitoring your blood counts.
  1. Can medications or dietary factors affect CBC test results?
    Yes, certain medications, such as blood thinners, and dietary factors, such as vitamin deficiencies, can influence CBC test results. It's important to inform your healthcare provider about any medications or supplements you are taking before the test.


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