Book Creatinine, Serum Test

₹ 180
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The creatinine test measures a chemical waste molecule found in the blood and urine, which results from muscle metabolism. The kidneys play a crucial role in filtering creatinine from the blood, making it a valuable indicator of kidney function. High creatinine levels may suggest kidney dysfunction or other medical conditions, while low levels are typically considered normal. Regular monitoring of creatinine levels is essential, particularly for individuals with known kidney problems or those taking medications that could impact kidney function, during routine health check-ups. The creatinine test serves various purposes in healthcare:


Diagnosing kidney disease: The test aids in identifying kidney disease by assessing creatinine levels, especially if symptoms like changes in urine output, swelling, or fatigue are present.



Fatigue and Nausea

Swelling and Muscle Cramps

High Blood Pressure

Fluid Retention

Back Pain

Changes in Urine Color

Metallic Taste in the Mouth

Difficulty Concentrating

Skin Issues and Frequent Infections

Shortness of Breath



There is typically no fasting requirement for a Creatinine Test. However, it's important to follow any specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider. Be sure to inform your healthcare provider about any medications or supplements you are taking, as certain drugs can influence creatinine levels.












*Reference range may vary depending on equipment used by labs. Consult your referring doctor for proper interpretation of test results.



Follow healthcare professional guidance.

Stay hydrated.

Be cautious with medication.

Live healthily.



The Role of Creatinine Tests in Monitoring and Treatment

Screening for kidney disease: For individuals with risk factors like diabetes, high blood pressure, or other conditions, regular creatinine tests are used to detect kidney problems early and monitor kidney function.

Monitoring kidney disease treatment: People already diagnosed with kidney disease undergo creatinine tests to track the effectiveness of their treatment and make necessary adjustments.

Monitoring drug side effects: The test helps monitor potential kidney damage or changes in kidney function caused by certain medications.

Monitoring transplanted kidney function: After a kidney transplant, creatinine tests are performed to evaluate the function of the transplanted kidney and detect any signs of rejection or complications.


How can low creatinine levels be diagnosed?

To diagnose low creatinine levels, healthcare professionals typically use tests such as a serum creatinine test or a creatinine urine test. These tests measure the amount of creatinine in your blood or urine.

The treatment options for low creatinine levels depend on the underlying cause:

Treatment for low creatinine levels due to a muscular disease: The focus is on managing the underlying condition and alleviating symptoms like muscle pain and weakness. This may involve medications such as corticosteroids or therapy to improve muscle strength and quality of life.

Low muscle mass treatments: If low creatinine levels are a result of medication, the doctor may consider adjusting the dosage or switching to an alternative medication.

Increasing physical activity and strength training: For individuals with low muscle mass unrelated to a medical condition, incorporating regular physical activity and strength training exercises can help build muscle mass. It's essential to consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

Improving nutrition: In cases where low muscle mass is a result of poor nutrition or extreme weight loss, adjusting the diet to include balanced meals with fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich foods can be beneficial.


ALIASES (Other names that describe the test. Synonyms.)

Blood Creatinine 


Serum Creatinine



May be useful for evaluating kidney functions.



[QUESTION] What is a creatinine test?  

[ANSWER] A creatinine test is a medical examination that measures the levels of creatinine in the blood or urine.


[QUESTION]Why is a creatinine test done? 

[ANSWER] A creatinine test is done to evaluate kidney function and diagnose conditions such as kidney disease, kidney damage, or impaired kidney function.


[QUESTION] What is a creatinine test? 

[ANSWER] A creatinine test measures the level of creatinine in your blood. Creatinine is a waste product that is produced by your muscles and excreted by your kidneys.


[QUESTION]Why is a creatinine test done?

[ANSWER] A creatinine test is done to assess how well your kidneys are functioning. It can help diagnose or monitor certain medical conditions, such as kidney disease or dehydration.


[QUESTION]How is a creatinine test done?

[ANSWER] A creatinine test is a simple blood test that involves drawing blood from a vein in your arm.


[QUESTION]Are there any risks associated with a creatinine test?

[ANSWER] There are no significant risks associated with a creatinine test. You may experience slight discomfort or bruising at the site where the blood is drawn.


[QUESTION]How do I prepare for a creatinine test?

[ANSWER] Your healthcare provider will provide specific instructions on how to prepare for the test, such as whether you need to fast or avoid certain medications.


[QUESTION]When will I get my results? 

[ANSWER] You can typically expect to get your results within a few days. Your healthcare provider will discuss the results with you and what they mean for your health.


[QUESTION]What should I do if my creatinine levels are abnormal? 

[ANSWER] If your creatinine levels are abnormal, it's important to follow up with your healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.



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* Component test codes cannot be used to order tests.


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Test Parameters: Alanine Amino-transferase (ALT) SGPT