Book Blood Glucose Fasting & PostPrandial (PP) Test

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Blood Glucose Fasting is a common test used to measure the amount of glucose in your blood after fasting. Postprandial blood sugar refers to the level of sugar in the blood after eating and drinking. It is an important indicator of metabolic and overall health.



- Fasting blood glucose test:

  • Fast for the recommended duration (typically 10-12 hours).
  • Take prescribed medications as usual.
  • Visit the healthcare facility to have your blood drawn.
  • The blood sample is analyzed to measure fasting blood glucose levels.

- Postprandial blood glucose test:

  • Consume a standardized or regular meal as advised.
  • Note the meal start time and wait for 2 hours.
  • Visit the healthcare facility to have your blood drawn.
  • The blood sample is analyzed to measure postprandial blood glucose levels.




Normal Range

Prediabetes Range

Diabetes Range

Fasting (mg/dL)




Postprandial (mg/dL)




Reference ranges are typically consistent for both males and females.

*Reference range may vary depending on the equipment used by labs. Consult your referring doctor for proper interpretation of test results.



  • Follow a healthy eating plan
  • Focus on weight loss if overweight
  • Monitor blood sugar levels regularly.
  • Comply with medication or insulin therapy
  • Attend regular check-ups and screenings
  • Engage in regular physical activity at least 45 minutes a day or 5 times a week



Fasting glucose levels play a crucial role in diagnosing and managing diabetes. They provide valuable information about how well your body is regulating blood sugar levels. Here's why fasting is important:

Diagnosis of diabetes: Fasting glucose levels are used as one of the criteria to diagnose diabetes. If your fasting blood glucose levels are consistently elevated above normal ranges, it may indicate the presence of diabetes.

Monitoring diabetes management: For individuals already diagnosed with diabetes, fasting glucose levels help assess the effectiveness of their current management routine. By regularly monitoring fasting glucose levels, you can determine if any adjustments need to be made to your treatment plan.

Medication adjustments: Fasting glucose levels can guide healthcare professionals in determining the appropriate dosages of diabetes medications, such as insulin or oral medications. If fasting glucose levels are consistently high, medication dosages may need to be adjusted to better control blood sugar levels.

Overall health assessment: Fasting glucose levels provide insights into your overall health. Elevated fasting glucose levels may indicate an increased risk for other health conditions, such as heart disease or stroke. Regular monitoring of fasting glucose levels can help identify potential health risks and allow for early intervention.


ALIASES (Other names that describe the test Synonyms.)

Blood Sugar Fasting:

  • Fasting Blood Glucose
  • Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG)
  • Fasting Blood Sugar Level
  • Blood Glucose in the Fasting State
  • Morning Blood Sugar
  • Pre-meal Blood Glucose

Postprandial Blood Sugar:

  • Post-meal Blood Glucose
  • Postprandial Glucose
  • Postprandial Plasma Glucose (PPG)
  • After-Meal Blood Sugar Level
  • Blood Glucose After Eating
  • 2-Hour Postprandial Glucose



Blood Sugar Fasting: Measures glucose levels after overnight fasting, used for diabetes diagnosis and monitoring.

Blood Sugar Postprandial: Measures glucose after meals, and helps manage diabetes.



[QUESTION] What is Blood Glucose Fasting?

[ANSWER] Blood glucose fasting refers to a blood sugar measurement taken after an overnight fast, typically for at least 8 hours. It provides a baseline reading of a person's blood sugar levels before any food or drink is consumed.


[QUESTION] Why is fasting blood glucose important?

[ANSWER] Fasting blood glucose levels are often used to diagnose and monitor diabetes. It helps healthcare professionals assess how well the body is able to regulate blood sugar levels in a fasting state.


[QUESTION] What is considered a normal fasting blood glucose level?

[ANSWER] A normal fasting blood glucose level is typically below 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L). However, the specific range may vary depending on the individual and the testing method used. It's best to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate interpretation of fasting blood glucose results.


[QUESTION] What is blood glucose postprandial?

[ANSWER] Blood glucose postprandial refers to a blood sugar measurement taken after a meal, usually 1-2 hours after eating. It provides information about how the body processes and manages glucose after consuming food.


[QUESTION] Why is postprandial blood glucose important?

[ANSWER] Postprandial blood glucose levels can help healthcare professionals evaluate how well the body responds to different foods and how effectively it regulates blood sugar levels after eating. It can be particularly useful in identifying issues such as impaired glucose tolerance or reactive hypoglycemia.


[QUESTION] What is considered a normal postprandial blood glucose level?

[ANSWER] A normal postprandial blood glucose level is typically below 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) when measured 1-2 hours after a meal. However, the target range may vary depending on individual circumstances and recommendations from healthcare professionals.


[QUESTION] How can I manage my blood glucose levels?

[ANSWER] Managing blood glucose levels involves adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and medication if prescribed by a healthcare professional. Monitoring blood glucose levels regularly, following a meal plan, and making appropriate adjustments to food choices and portion sizes can help maintain stable blood sugar levels.


[QUESTION] How can healthy blood glucose levels be maintained?

[ANSWER] Maintain healthy blood glucose levels by eating balanced meals with whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits. Stay active, manage stress, and maintain a healthy weight.


[QUESTION] Can medications influence blood glucose levels?

[ANSWER] Yes, medications like steroids, antipsychotics, and diuretics can affect blood glucose levels. Discuss with your healthcare provider if you're on these medications.


[QUESTION] How often to check blood glucose levels?

[ANSWER] Check frequency varies based on health. Diabetics are monitored regularly; those at risk may need periodic checks.



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